
《莉利丝的炼金工房》+《莉迪和苏瑞的炼金工房》+《苏菲的炼金工房1+2全DLC》 STEAM账号 steam离线账号分享

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-> 该账户拥有10个游戏.
-> Game # 578080 -> PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS
-> Game # 838380 -> DEAD OR ALIVE 6
-> DLC # 1754680 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 《炼金工房》系列历代泳装组 Atelier Sophie 2 - Atelier Series Legacy Swimsuit Set
-> DLC # 1754681 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 实用武器组 Atelier Sophie 2 - Useful Weapons Set
-> DLC # 1754682 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 实用道具组 Atelier Sophie 2 - Useful Items Set
-> DLC # 1754684 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 苏菲专用服装“最爱的日常穿着” Atelier Sophie 2 - Sophie's Costume "Comfy and Casual"
-> Game # 813000 -> PUBG: Experimental Server
-> DLC # 1754685 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 季票 Atelier Sophie 2 - Season Pass
-> DLC # 1754686 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 苏菲、拉米洁儿服装“跟奶奶成对的服装” Atelier Sophie 2 - Sophie/Ramizel's Costumes "Grandma's Outfit (Matching Set)"
-> DLC # 1754687 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 苏菲专用服装“不可思议旅的炼金术士” Atelier Sophie 2 - Sophie's Costume "Alchemist of the Mysterious Journey"
-> DLC # 1754688 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 普拉芙妲专用服装“一流订制服” Atelier Sophie 2 - Plachta's Costume "Haute Couture"
-> Game # 1502970 -> 苏菲的炼金工房 ~不可思议书的炼金术士~ DX Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX
-> DLC # 1754689 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 拉米洁儿专用服装“艾尔托纳的猎人” Atelier Sophie 2 - Ramizel's Costume "Ertona Hunter"
-> Game # 622590 -> PUBG: Test Server
-> DLC # 1754691 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 装饰品“动物发箍” Atelier Sophie 2 - Accessory "Animal Headband"
-> DLC # 1754692 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 苏菲、普拉芙妲、拉米洁儿、阿蕾特服装“兔耳招牌女店员” Atelier Sophie 2 - Sophie/Plachta/Ramizel/Alette's Costume "Bunny-Eared Salesgirl"
-> Application # 1447430 -> 小黑盒加速器
-> DLC # 1754693 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 配方扩展包“调合的极致” Atelier Sophie 2 - Recipe Expansion Pack "The Art of Synthesis"
-> DLC # 1754694 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 配方扩展包“战斗的极致” Atelier Sophie 2 - Recipe Expansion Pack "The Art of Battle"
-> DLC # 1754695 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - GUST EXTRA BGM包 Atelier Sophie 2 - Gust Extra BGM Pack
-> DLC # 1754696 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 追加地图“心像空间” Atelier Sophie 2 - Extra Area "Heartscape"
-> DLC # 1754697 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 苏菲专用泳装“白色画布” Atelier Sophie 2 - Sophie's Swimsuit "White Canvas"
-> DLC # 1754698 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 普拉芙妲专用泳装“垂笑君子兰” Atelier Sophie 2 - Plachta's Swimsuit "Clivia Nobilis"
-> Game # 1502980 -> 菲利丝的炼金工房 ~不可思议旅的炼金术士~ DX Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX
-> DLC # 1754699 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 拉米洁儿专用泳装“百子莲罗曼史” Atelier Sophie 2 - Ramizel's Swimsuit "Agapanthus Romance"
-> DLC # 1754700 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 阿蕾特专用泳装“造雨人” Atelier Sophie 2 - Alette's Swimsuit "Rainmaker"
-> DLC # 1754701 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 奥利亚斯专用泳装“果菜园” Atelier Sophie 2 - Olias's Swimsuit "Vegetable Garden"
-> DLC # 1754702 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 迪伯尔德专用泳装“骑士团长” Atelier Sophie 2 - Diebold's Swimsuit "Knight Commander"
-> DLC # 1754704 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 - 追加剧情&地图“普拉芙妲的炼金工房” Atelier Sophie 2 - Extra Scenario/Area "Atelier Plachta"
-> Game # 1621310 -> 苏菲的炼金工房2 ~不可思议梦的炼金术士~ Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream
-> Game # 1502990 -> 莉迪&苏瑞的炼金工房 ~不可思议绘画的炼金术士~ DX Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX
-> Game # 937310 -> Infinitode 2
-> 分析完毕,共计4个付费游戏.

新评论 (2)
  • Nyx影 9月前
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  • 玩家名合法 1月前
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